Monday, February 1, 2016

Common Issues In Finacle Discussed In Circle Level CBS Workshop At Rajasthan CO

Issues encountered in changing of SOL ID of an employee. This is being done at CEPT through CPC (CBS). It is not feasible as changes can’t be implemented in limited time period.

The MIS Server URL for generating previous day LOT work is too slow and become becomes unresponsive frequently. This adversary affects LOT generation work at offices and SBCO. SI Report is not generated in MIS Server.

Only interim solution for generating Sukanya Samridhi Yojna LOT till now. No proper solution as yet in LOT generation command.

No proper solution as yet for entering cheque number while opening TD, MIS, and SCSS accounts. Only an interim command is available for showing the cheques as used up in Finacle after opening account. Otherwise the cheque is displayed as unused.

No command as yet to generate a single consolidated LOT for all scheme types of Accounts opened or closed for any given period for an office. In HACSP command each scheme type needs to enter separately to get a report which is a very time consuming task.

When a TD type account is transferred to another SOL, the interest remains in the previous SOL.

Frequent difference between counter wise and consolidated LOT of MIS and SCSS accounts encountered in many offices.

There is an issue with RD SI when there is less than require balance is SB account. In such cases Finacle will execute SI for the next month if the customer deposit require amount but will not execute SI for previous defaulting month manually Finacle will not display and charge default fee. Ticket no. IN90069 is raised for HMT SO 30500303 for this issue in March 2015 but no solution available yet. Shastri nagar SO 30500119 also facing this issue.

When the RD to be just discontinued in deposit in BO on last day of the month and So takes it on next day after changing value date, it shows RD account is discontinued.

RD Loan Repayment account is not shown in LOT

MIS bonus is not reduces from Teller cash with HCASHPND

How will find the maturity value of RD with Loan account of BO at account office.

Income Tax report (>200000) for all product is not available in HFINRPT.

Wrong PAN No. is accepted at the time of withdrawal above Rs.50000/-

Length of ID card as driving License shorts in CIF Creation. It accepts only 12 digit without special character.

Accounts linked with particular BO under any SO/HO, there is no such type of report in Finacle also with balance check with DLT during 100% BO Verification.

To find out Live/New accounts standing at any of SOL or Set for any dates, no such report available in Finacle.

If RD Loan account wrongly closed, system not except another opening of Loan Account.

At present no command to find out which user executes HISCOD.

In MEOPS available at CPC, updation menu is not activated. For updating any screen shoot or comments for CBS Tickets.Also no any menu provided to reopen to auto closed ticket.

Also no filtered menu to findout sorted in the description/solution/need user input/pending closure.

CBS Ticket in MEOPS has been automatically closed after 15 days without providing solution or update.

During updating cash loading transaction in HXFER, ATM Value date not highlighted.

At present CPC performing Holiday EOD whereas there has been closed holiday in Circle.

Difference in LOT and consolidation report of all schemes.

Partly Posted Stage should not be created during any transaction.

Name of account holder print in short form on the first page of Passbook.

Multiple accounts are being opened at the time of error in Finacle as “Could not get response from server.”

Some accounts not get closed in bulk discharge of particular reg. no. and also not closed one by one in CSCCAAC.

There is no menu to search any CIF/Account through Regd No. and vice versa.

During transaction in CTM/CPWTM, system not shown ledger balance and except withdrawal even balance is zero. In this case transaction is moved into partly posted stage. We have to use HACLI separately to check balance before making such transaction.

Photo signature not visible during transaction of HTM in case of MIS/SCSS/TD interest.

Signature photo should be colored and displayed in different angle view.

CPC system admin user id created separately to run EOD commands at CPC only. AT present system admin is linked with particular SOL working at CPC. Sometimes any SA of any HO has erroneously run EOD command in Circle Set resulting EOD held up and stop counter work.

Circle Set should be activated only for CPC SA user ID.

Photo signature uploading issue.For joint account photo signature not uploaded for secondary holder. No maker checker concept in this process. 

In SCSS LOT, interest is showing double and double amount is added in total amount and also for transfer account case.

In MIS account closure cases, value and interest transfer to repayment account (SB) but PMI and Bonus transfer to Postmaster Cheque account which is diverse. All beneficial amount should be credited into one account whether SB or Postmaster but it is divided into two accounts.

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