Wednesday, April 30, 2014



Dear Comrade,

            We place hereunder the draft reply to the questionnaire issued by the 7th CPC.  We want you to go through the same and make suggestions to enrich it further.  We propose to place the same at the staff side meeting of the National Council on 6th May, 2014.  The final version as formulated by the Staff Side will also be published on7th May. 2014.  We have to arrive at a consensus taking into account all shades of opinions.
            The replies are drafted to make it as brief as possible.  It covers only common issues. The staff side National Council will be submitting a detailed memorandum later as and when it is called for by the 7th CPC.  The said memorandum will be drafted taking into account the views of all organizations including pensioners organisations. Department specific issues are to be covered by the memorandum submitted by the respective departmental organizations.  Since there will be very short time available for submission of memorandum, in view of the overall time frame of 18 months  all affiliates are requested to finalize their approach and prepare the memorandum and keep it ready for submission without loss of time.
            It will be our endeavor that on common issues, complete unanimity of opinion emerges amongst all Federations of Central Govt. employees.

Suggestions may be sent by e-mail to confederationhq@gmail.com

With greetings,

Yours fraternally

S. K. Vyas                                             K. K. N. Kutty                                       M. Krishnan
Advisor                                                President                                             Secretary General


There is a clause in the Cadre Restructuring agreement that – “in respect of Postmaster Grade I, Grade II and Grade III posts, once the recommendations of this committee are implemented, the matter will be examined in the light of the same”. Many officials have sought clarification on this clause. Hence the following clarification is given.

As already mentioned by us in our letter given to the Chairman of the Cadre Restructuring committee after the last meeting (published in Website) and also in the circular dated 28.04.2014, the staff side has tried its best to get higher pay scale to Post Master cadre official. Official side took a firm stand that first promotion from PA cadre in General line and Post Master cadre should be to the G.P. 2800/- and rejected our plea for 4200 G. P.

Second argument placed by us is that as all the LSG Post offices/posts are agreed to be upgraded to HSG II, the grade pay of the officials working in those General line posts will be 4200 (eventhough official working in that post is promoted from LSG with G. P. 2800)

Postmaster Grade I officials are working in LSG offices (converted as Grade I). When LSG Post offices are upgraded to HSG II status, Post Master Grade I post offices are also to be upgraded to HSG II status with grade pay of 4200. Inspite of our repeated argument and submission the administration side did not agree to grant G.P. 4200 to PM Grade I. Finally it is agreed to examine the case again once the present proposal is approved by the Government.

If the proposal is approved by the Government, there is every possibility of getting higher pay scale for Post Master grade officials, on the principle of “equal pay for equal work”, as their counter parts working in LSG post offices upgraded to HSG II will be in 4200 G.P. By signing the cadre restructuring agreement, we have already created a strong ground for getting higher pay scale to Postmaster Grade officials. If the proposal signed is rejected by DOP&T and Finance, we have to present our case before 7th CPC. Hence in the interest of both General line and Postmaster Cadre officials, implementation of the present proposal is most important.

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Excess pay given due to dept mistake cannot be recovered from

Madras High Court today said that if excess pay was granted to an employee due to the mistake of the department and not due to any misrepresentation by him, that amount shall not be recovered from the worker from the retiral benefits, that too after retirement.

Allowing a petition from K Syed Razack, a retired Police Inspector, Justice D Hariparanthaman set aside the order of the Commissioner of Police, Chennai, to recover Rs 36,312 from the DCRG (Death-Cum-Retirement Gratuity) of the petitioner.

He directed the authorities not to make any recovery on the ground of any wrong fixation done during the service, as it was not the petitioner's mistake.

The judge also directed that the amount be refunded if any already recovered from the petitioner within six weeks.

Razack submitted he was appointed Grade-II constable on June 1, 1971. After two promotions, he was listed in 'C' list of head constables fit for promotion to Sub-Inspector's post on Sep 22, 1985. As there was no vacancy, he was not promoted at that time.

Later, he was promoted temporarily as SI on September 15, 1987 and also paid salary by fixing his pay to the post. He was regularised in the post with effect from August 17 1992, promoted as Inspector on October 15,2003 and retired from service on January 31, 2009.

When the pension proposals were sent, the Accountant General opined that the benefit of fixation was given from September 15, 1987 and should be given only from the date of regularisation of service (August 7, 1992).

The CoP then passed an order to recover Rs 36,312 from the DCRG of Razack towards alleged excess payment due to the fixation.

Citing a judgment of a division bench, which held such recovery was bad, the judge said he was also of the view that the judgement applies to the facts of this particular case.

"Any wrong fixation that was said to have been made in 1987 shall not be sought to be recovered, after retirement in 2009, more particularly, when it is not the case of the authorities that the wrong fixation was done at the instance of the petitioner by way of misrepresentation."

"Even, if there was any error, the petitioner cannot be made to suffer after retirement, by way of recovery," the judge said.


Monday, April 21, 2014

TUESDAY, April 22, 2014

Payment of Conveyance Allowance to Deaf and Dumb employees at par with Blind and Orthopeadically Handicapped employees.


7th Pay Commission Questionnaire – Ratio of Minimum & Maximum Salary, Grade Pay Suggestion, Increment Date, Determination of HRA and NPS...
NEW DELHI-110001

Meena Agarwal

D.O No. 7CPC/15/Questionnaire
9th April, 2014
Dear ………..,

As you may be aware the Seventh Central Pay Commissions has been constituted by the Government on 28 February 2014 with a view to go into various issues of emoluments’ structure, retirement benefits and other service conditions of Central Government employees and to make recommendations on the changes required. The terms of reference of the Seventh Central Pay Commission are available on thehttp://7cpc.india.gov.in .

2. A Questionnaire seeking the considered views of all stakeholders is enclosed. The response of your Ministry to this Questionnaire is sought. I shall be grateful if the replies are furnished to the Commission on or before 10th May, 2014, so as to enable the Commission to take them into account as part of its examination of the issues that it is mandated to address. The reply may be sent to Post Box No. 4599, Hauz Khas P.O, New Delhi 110 016, and in the case of email to secy-7cpc@nic.in.

Encl:- As above.

With Regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Meena Agarwal)

To all Secretaries to Govt of India

7th CPC Questionnaire

1. Salaries
1.1 The considerations on which the minimum salary in case of the lowest Group ‘C’ functionary and the maximum salary in case of a Secretary level officer may be determined and what should be the reasonable ratio between the two.

1.2 What should be the considerations for determining salary for various levels of functions falling between the highest level and the lowest level functionaries?

2. Comparisons
2.1 Should there be any comparison/parity between pay scales and perquisites between Government and the private sector? If so, why? If not, why not?

2.2 Should there at all be any comparison/parity between pay scales and perquisites between Government and the public sector? If so, why? If not, why not?

2.3 The concept of variable pay has been introduced in Central Public Sector Enterprises by the Second Pay Revision Committee. In the case of the Government is there merit in introducing a variable component of pay? Can such variable pay be linked to performance?

3. Attracting Talent
3.1 Does the present compensation package attract suitable talent in the All India Services & Group A Services? What are your observations and suggestions in this regard?

3.2 To what extent should government compensation bestructured to attract special talent?

4. Pay Scales
4.1 The 6th Central Pay Commission introduced the system of Pay Bands and Grade Pay as against the system of specific pay scales attached to various posts. What has been the impact of running pay bands post implementation of 6th CPC recommendations?

4.2 Is there any need to bring about any change?

4.3 Did the pay bands recommended by the Sixth CPC help in arresting exodus and attract talent towards the Government?

4.4 Successive Pay Commissions have reduced the number of pay scales by merging one or two pay scales together. Is there a case for the number of pay scales/ pay band to be rationalized and if so in what manner?

4.5 Is the “grade pay” concept working? If not, what are your alternative suggestions?

5. Increment
5.1 Whether the present system of annual increment on 1st Julyof every year uniformly in case of all employees has served its purpose or not? Whether any changes are required?

5.2 What should be the reasonable quantum of annual increment?

5.3 Whether there should be a provision of variable increments at a rate higher than the normal annual increment in case of high achievers? If so, what should be transparent and objective parameters to assess high achievement, which could be uniformly applied across Central Government?

5.4 Under the MACP scheme three financial up-gradations are allowed on completion of 10, 20, 30 years of regular service, counted from the direct entry grade. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the scheme? Is there a perception that a scheme of this nature, in some Departments, actually incentivizes people who do not wish to take the more arduous route of qualifying departmental examinations/ or those obtaining professional degrees?

6. Performance
What kind of incentives would you suggest to recognize andreward good performance?

7. Impact on other organizations
Salary structures in the Central and State Governments are broadly similar. The recommendations of the Pay Commission are likely to lead to similar demands from employees of State Governments, municipal bodies, panchayati raj institutions & autonomous institutions. To what extent should their paying capacity be considered in devising a reasonable remuneration package for Central Govt. employees?

8. Defence Forces
8.1 What should be the considerations for fixing salary in case of Defence personnel and in what manner does the parity with civil services need to be evolved, keeping in view their respective job profiles?

8.2 In what manner should the concessions and facilities, both in cash and kind, be taken into account for determining salary structure in case of Defence Forces personnel.

8.3 As per the November 2008 orders of the Ministry of Defence, there are a total of 45 types of allowances for Personnel Below Officer Rank and 39 types of allowances for Officers. Does a case exist for rationalization/ streamlining of the current variety of allowances?

8.4 What are the options available for addressing the increasing expenditure on defence pensions?

8.5 As a measure of special recognition, is there a case to review the present benefits provided to war widows?

8.6 As a measure of special recognition, is there a case to review the present benefits provided to disabled soldiers, commensurate to the nature of their disability?

9. Allowances
9.1 Whether the existing allowances need to be retained or rationalized in such a manner as to ensure that salary structure takes care not only of the job profile but the situational factors as well, so that the number of allowances could be at a realistic level?

9.2 What should be the principles to determine payment of House Rent Allowance?

10. Pension
10.1 The retirement benefits of all Central Government employees appointed on or after 1.1.2004 a re covered by the New Pension Scheme (NPS). What has been the experience of the NPS in the last decade?

10.2 As far as pre-1.1.2004 appointees are concerned, what should be the principles that govern the structure of pension and other retirement benefits?

11. Strengthening the public governance system
11.1 The 6th CPC recommended upgrading the skills of the Group D employees and placing them in Group C over a period of time. What has been the experience in this regard?

11.2 In what way can Central Government organizations functioning be improved to make them more efficient, accountable and responsible? Please give specific suggestions with respect to:

a) Rationalisation of staff strength and more productive deployment of available staff;

b) Rationalisation of processes and reduction of paper work; and

c) Economy in expenditure.

12. Training/ building competence
12.1 How would you interpret the concept of “competency based framework”?

12.2 One of the terms of reference suggests that the Commission recommend appropriate training and capacity building through a competency based framework.

a) Is the present level of training at various stages of a person’s career considered adequate? Are there gaps that need to be filled, and if so, where?

b) Should it be made compulsory that each civil service officer should in his career span acquire a professional qualification? If so, can the nature of the study, time intervals and the Institution(s) whose qualification are acceptable, all be stipulated?

c) What other indicators can best measure training and capacity building for personnel in your organization? Please suggest ways through which capacity building can be further strengthened?

13. Outsourcing
13.1 What has been the experience of outsourcing at various levels of Government and is there a case for streamlining it?

13.2 Is there a clear identification of jobs that can be outsourced?

14. Regulatory Bodies
14.1 Kindly list out the Regulators set up unde r Acts of Parliament, related to your Ministry/ Department. The total number of personnel on rolls (Chairperson and members + support personnel) may be indicated.

14.2 Regulators that may not qualify in terms of being set up under Acts of Parliament but perform regulatory functions may also be listed. The scale of pay for Chairperson /Members and other personnel of such bodies may be indicated.

14.3 Across the Government there are a host of Regulatory bodies set up for various purposes. What are your suggestions regarding emoluments structure for Regulatory bodies?

15. Payment of Bonus
One of the terms of reference of the 7th Pay Commission is to examine the existing schemes of payment of bonus. What are your suggestions and observations in this regard?

Friday, April 18, 2014

ncrease in allowances by 25% as a result of DA reached 100%

As per the recommendations of Sixth Pay Commission, Government included a clause that whenever Dearness Allowance applicable to Central Government employees goes up by 50%, the fallowing allowances would be automatically increased by 25%.
The allowances such as Children Education Allowance, Travelling Allowance, Conveyance Allowance, Cash handling allowance, Risk Allowance, Bad Climate Allowance, Hill Area Allowance, Remote Locality Allowance, Tribal Area Allowances etc should be increased by 25% when the rate of DA reaches 50% level. We are getting repeated queries from readers whether any Separate orders will be issued by Government for increasing Allowance by 25% which are linked with increase in DA, since Dearness Allowance has gone up by 50% for the second time now. We are of the opinion that there is no need for Separate orders for increasing these Allowances by 25% as Office Memorandums / Orders relating to these Allowances have the clause “whenever Dearness Allowance applicable to Central Government employees goes up by 50%, these allowances would be automatically increased by 25%”
Clarifications if any required in this regard by any govt departments, necessary clarificatory orders will be issued by DOPT
The following Table provides the quantum of increase in Allowances linked with increase in DA
Name of the Allowances & Advances Original Allowance as per 6CPC Existing amount of Allowance after DA increases by 50% Revised Allowances per month if DA increases by 100%
Children Education Allowance Rs.1000 Rs.1250 Rs. 1500
Hostel Subsidy Allowance Rs.3,000 Rs.3,750 Rs. 4500
Special Compensatory Hill Area Allowance Rs.600 / Rs.480 Rs.750 / Rs.600 Rs. 900 / 720
Special Compensatory Scheduled / Tribal Area Allowance Rs.400 / Rs.240 Rs.500 / Rs.300 Rs. 600 / 450
Project Allowance Rs.1,500 / Rs.1,000 Rs.1,875 /Rs.1,250 Rs. 2250 / 1500
Special Compensatory (Remote Locality)Allowance Rs.2,600 /Rs.2,100 /Rs.1,500 /Rs.400 Rs. 3,250 /Rs.2,625 /Rs.1,875 / Rs.500 Rs. 3900 / 3150 / 2250 / 600
Cycle Maintenance Allowance Rs.60 (Per month) Rs.75 (Per month) Rs.90
Mileage for road journey/all components of daily allowance on tour/reimbursement for transfer of personal effects Rs.500 / Rs.300 / Rs.200 / Rs.150 / Rs.100 Rs.625 / Rs.375 / Rs.250 / Rs.190 / Rs.125 (TA for personal effects-Rs.22.50 per km / Rs. 11.25 per km / Rs.6.90 per km) Rs.555 / 450 / 300 / 225 / 150(TA for personal Effects– Rs. 27 per km / 13.50 per km / 6.90 per km)
Rates of Fixed Conveyance Allowance under SR-25 (Motor Car) Rs.1,120 / Rs.1,680 / Rs.2,070 / Rs.2,430 / Rs.3,000 Rs.1,400 / Rs.2,100 / Rs.2,590 / Rs.3,040 / Rs.3,750 Rs.1680 / 2520 / 3105 / 3645 / 4500
Rates of Fixed Conveyance Allowance under SR-25 (Other modes) Rs.370 / Rs.480 / Rs.640 / Rs.750 / Rs.850 Rs. 470 / Rs.600 / Rs.800 / Rs.940 / Rs.1,070 Rs.555 / 720 / 960 / 1125 / 1275
Washing Allowance Rs.60 Rs.75 Rs.90
Split Duty Allowance Rs.200 Rs.250 Rs.300
Spl. Allowance for Child Care for Women with Disabilities and Education Allowance for disabled children Rs.1,000 per month Rs.1,250 per month Rs.1500
Cash Handling Allowance Rs.600 / Rs.500 / Rs.400 / Rs.300 / Rs.150 Rs.750 / Rs.625 / Rs.500 / Rs.375 / Rs.190 Rs.900 / 750 / 600 / 450 / 225
Risk Allowance DOPT 21012/1/2008-Estt.(Allowance) 12.3.2009 To be announced
Postgraduate Allowance Rs.1,000 / Rs.600 Rs.1,250 / Rs.750 Rs. 1500 / 900
Desk Allowance Rs.600 Rs.750 Rs.900
Bad Climate Allowance Rs.400 / Rs.240 Rs.500 / Rs.300 Rs.600 / 360
Advances for purchaseof Bicycle Rs.3,000 Rs.3,750 Rs.4500
Advances for purchaseof Warm clothing Rs.3,000 Rs.3,750 Rs.4500
Festival Advance Rs.3,000 Rs.3,750 Rs.4500
Natural Calamity Advance Rs.3,000 Rs.3,750 Rs.4500
source : gconnect

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Yet an another initiative our comrades of  NFPE KERALA CIRCLE has launched a website www.pasaexam2014nfpekerala.blogspot.in  to cater the need of aspiring PA/ SA candidates to face the exam with full of confidence .
The main features as they provide
1. Model Questions & Answers
2. Frequent Updates
3. Current Events
4. Tips & Tricks.
5. Miscellaneous Information

PA SA EXAM- update

Schedule of PA SA   Examination (Paper I) for the following Postal Circles is as follows:
Postal Circles
Exam Date
Exam Time
Delhi (15), Kerala (22), Rajasthan (28)             
02:00PM to 04:00PM
Assam (12), Chhattisgarh (14), North East (25), Odisha (26)             
10:00AM to 12:00NOON


            All India Postal Accounts Employees Association has successfully completed the Central Working Committee meeting held at Ahmedabad from 07-04-2014 to 08-04-2014. The meeting commenced by hoisting the national flag by com. Saxena, President of AIPAEA, Ahmedabad; NFPE flag by Com. Giriraj Singh, President NFPE; AIPAEA flag by Com. Santoshkumar, President AIPAEA (CHQ). All the dignitaries, delegates and Comrades of Ahmedabad paid floral tributes to the martyrs.
            Central Working Committee meeting commenced on 07-04-14 under the chairmanship of Com. S. Santosh Kumar, President, AIPAEA (CHQ). Com. Giriraj Singh, President, NFPE in his inaugural speech narrated the struggles launched by the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers on the 15-point charter of demands. In his inspiring speech he informed the developments in the Postal Department and the status of Cadre restructuring. He stressed the need to strengthen the Confederation to achieve the merger of DA, I.R. etc. He gave a call for unity and total participation of the employees in the struggles. Major changes launched by the Postal Department will throw several challenges and the employees have to face such challenges. In spite of assurances given by the Department Cadre restructuring process has not yet completed. Unless we act together and participate in all activities of the Federation, it is not possible to achieve the demands.
            Com. Parasher, Asst. Secretary General, NFPE in his inspiring and emotional speech recalled the sacrifices of all those founder leaders of NFPE. But for the sacrifices of Com. Babu Tarapada, Com. Dada Ghosh, Com. KG Bose , Com. Adi Com. Iyyar  He vividly described the sacrifices made by these great leaders and the achievements of NFPE in the long cherished 60 years of its journey. He exhorted that whatever we have achieved it is due to the struggles of the NFPE and Confederation. Nothing has come as a windfall. All our rights are fought and achieved. He commented that the participation of Gujarat Circle in the struggles requires improvement. There is great potential in the Postal Accounts as well as in Postal and this requires to be tapped. He invited all to join hands and fight against the injustice. The ill effects of neo-liberal policies have robbed all the rights of the employees and workers. New Pension Scheme, which has been introduced with the active cooperation between the Ruling and Principal Opposition Party. There is no difference between the Congress and BJP in their support and enthusiasm to implement the neo-liberal economic policies. We are fighting against the policies of Privatization, out-sourcing, casualization and disinvestment all these years. We have to use the coming elections to strongly oppose all those forces who support and implemented the new pension policy and other anti-employee policies by voting against these forces and support all those left and democratic forces who always stood with the employees inside and outside the Parliament. If we fail to protect the existing rights of the employees, the future generations will hold us guilty. Hence, he appealed all
the employees to strengthen the National Federation of Postal Employees, AIPAEA and Confederation and participate in all the calls to achieve the demands of the employees.
            Com. S.K. Vyasji, the Advisor to the Confederation and friend, philosopher and guide to the AIPAEA graced the meeting on 08-04-14. He elaborately explained the important demands of the Central Government employees and the importance of the strikes organized by the Confederation to achieve these demands. He informed the Resolution passed in the National Convention of the Confederation at Nagpur on 04-04-14 to vote out all those forces who supported the New Pension Bill, out-sourcing, privatization etc. and support the friends of employees and working class. He explained the developments in respect of the demands of the Accounts and Audit employees. He asked all the constituents of JAC to reactivate and strengthen the JAC.
            General Secretary, AIPAEA placed his report in the CWC outlining all the events that took place after the last CWC meeting, which was held at Lucknow. He stressed the need to strengthen the interaction between the members by utilizing all opportunities to reach to the members. He requested all the leaders to strengthen the AIPAEA by enrolling the new members in April 2014. The CWC appreciated the efforts of CHQ in winning the Stepping up case. The CWC has discussed the developments in the implementation of technology in the PAOs. The Committee on Technology headed by Com. Veeresh submitted its report to the CWC. The issues of Review of results of AAO exam in respect of SC/ST officials, Sending the newly appointed Junior Accountants for training to the Post Offices in Bangalore PAO, forwarding of applications, AAO RRs, Stepping up case clarifications, Caste Verification issues, Gr.D and Sorter anomalies, retrospective promotion to the Junior Accountants promoted after the amendment of RRs, Recruitment in PAOs, Changed system of sending requirements to the SSC and need to report all the vacancies in time, building issues, Rule-38 transfers of Ahmedabad, Pay protection under FR 15(a), implementing  the 4-advance increments and many more issues relating the Postal Accounts employees. The CWC passed resolutions on all-important issues. The CWC endorsed the Resolution passed by the National Convention at Nagpur.
            In the Open Session held on 08-04-14 Shri. Dhaktode, Director of Accounts (Postal), Ahmedabad graced the meeting. Com. S.K.Vysji, Com. Parasher, Com. T.Satyanarayana addressed the Open Session. Com. Sunil Paniccer, Circle Secretry, AIPAEA, Ahmedabad welcomed the dignitaries and all the comrades to the Open Session.
            The successful conduct of the CWC is the shining example of the strength of the young AIPAEA unit of Ahmedabad. The unity shown by the Ahmedabad comrades under the leadership of Com. Saxena, President, Com. Sunil, Circle Secretary,  Com. J.K. Chouhan, Deputy Circle Secretary and Com. Brahmania, CHQ Office Bearer is praise worthy. CHQ thanks all the Comrades who worked for the success of the CWC. Let’s work to strengthen the AIPAEA and make it a vibrant organization.
With Struggle Greetings
General Secretary