Friday, August 30, 2013
Saturday 31 August 2013
The Policies that failed
Postal Crusader September, 2013}
In the
year 1991 when the New Economic Policy or the Neo-liberal Economic Policy was
adopted by the then Narasimha Rao Government at the Centre with much fanfare,
it was repeatedly declared that it is a panacea for all the crisis faced by the
Indian economy and shall ensure rapid growth of Gross Domestic Product
(GDP). After 22 years, it is the very
same neo-liberal policies which is leading the country to an economic
disaster. The then Finance Minister Sri.
Manmohan Singh had brush aside the criticism and opposition of left parties and
trade unions and they became a target of concentrated attack by the supporters
of the neo-liberal policies. Inspite of
stiff resistance from all trade unions the Government went ahead with the
rigourous implementation of the anti-people, anti-labour policies of
Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation (LPG).
While the
UPA Government desperately wooed foreign capital and handed out concessions to
big business and corporates, the plight of the people has been worsening
because of the economic slowdown, falling industrial production and high
inflation. The rupee has steadily
depreciated in value, with the exchange rate of the rupee to the dollar
breaching the Rs.68 mark last week. The
current account deficit (the gap between exports and imports and other
remittances) has reached an unsustainable level, there is rising external debt
with the bourgeoning short-term debt, posing immediate problem. This financial crisis is accompanied by high
inflation. The fact that the creation of
two India’s of the rich and the poor, with the gap between them widening
alarmingly, is a reality that stares us every moment.
The first
UPA Government was not allowed to implement the reforms in the financial
sector, pension sector and retail sector etc. by the left parties who supported
the Government. It prevented the passing
of PFRDA Bill by threatening to withdraw support to the Government. The second UPA Government without the left
support, started rigourous implementation of the reforms in all sectors. All barriers for the inflow of foreign
capital to the country was removed and the cap of Foreign Direct investment
(FDI) in banking, insurance, pension, retail, defence, telecom etc. are either
enhanced or removed. Large scale
disinvestment of public sector has become the order of the day. Deregulation of petrol pricing has resulted
in everincreasing prices of petrol and diesel fuelling inflation which resulted
in the increased burden of price rise for the people. Onions,vegetables and all other necessities
of life are becoming out of reach of the people. The other outcome of the economic slowdown is
the loss of jobs in the industrial and services sectors and rising
Government is seeking to overcome this crisis by attracting more foreign
capital and giving more concessions to the multinational companies (MNCs) and
Indian big business. The growing
dependence on foreign capital flows and FDI has worsened the situation further
and the entire exercise has proved futile.
The bulk of the capital flows out of the country is from equity, debt
markets and Foreign Institutional Investments (FIIs), which the Government
cannot control. The neo-liberal policies
of the Manmohan Singh Government and the boosting of the economy through
Foreign Capital inflows have now come to roost.
During the
last three years at least, the tax concessions provided to the corporartes and
the rich amount to, according to budget papers, to over five lakhs crores every
year. Despite such “incentives”, the
overall growth of the industrial production was minus 1.6 per cent in May
2013. If, instead, these legitimate
taxes were collected and used for public investments to build over much needed
infrastructure, this would have generated large-scale employment. This, inturn, would increase the purchasing
power of the people and vastly enlarge domestic demand. This would lay the basis for a turn around in
manufacturing and industrial production and put the economy on a more
sustainable and relatively pro-people growth tragectory.
What the
country needs is an alternative pro-people policies. Such an alternative can be brought about
through the intensification of popular struggle of the people and working class
in the coming months.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
It is reported that PFRDA Bill
will be take up in Parliament for discussion and adoption on 2nd September.
Confederation National Secretariat once again calls upon all Central Government
Employees to organize 2 hour walkout and nationwide protest demonstration on
the day if bill is taken up or on the next day if information received late.
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Thursday 29 August 2013
Promotion and postings of Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) Officers
of Indian Postal Service, Group 'A' to Higher Administrative Grade (HAG) of the
service and transfers/ postings of regular HAG Officers of Indian Postal
Service, Group 'A'(Click
link below for details)
Transfers and posting of Sr. Managers and Managers of Mail Motor Service (MMS), Group 'A' of Department of Posts (Click the link below for details) http://www.indiapost.gov.in/DOP/Pdf/Postings/6_3_2013_SPGdtd23aug2013.PDF
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Agenda for next meeting of the
JCM National Council has been finalized on 27.08.2013 in consultation with
DOP&T Twelve demands raised by Confederation in the charter of demands are
included. (including GDS employees demand) Next meeting of National Council JCM
is expected by the end of October 2013.
The letter give by Com. Umraomal Purohit, Secretary, JCM
(NC) and the 12 demands included in the agenda are given below:
M. Krishnan
Secretary General
Monday, August 26, 2013
Tuesday 27 August 2013
Friday, August 23, 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Union Minister of State for
Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions and Prime Minister’s Office Shri V
Narayanasamy has said that rtionline web portal is another milestone in the
regime of RTI that will further promote participation of our citizens in the
process of governance and policy making decisions of the Government.Speaking at
the launch of the portal in New Delhi today he said though presently this
facility has been provided to Central Ministries, DoPT will consider extending
this facility to the subordinate and attached offices of Central Government
also. The Minister also appealed to the State Governments to consider
developing similar facility of filing online RTI applications. Referring to the
RTI Act as one of the biggest achievements of our democracy, Shri Narayansamy
said that it has empowered the citizenry in an unprecedented manner to
participate in nation building by promoting transparency and accountability in
the working of every public authority.
The rti online
web portal has been developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC) at the
initiative of Department of Personnel and Training. The url of this portal is
This is a
facility for the Indian Citizens to file RTI applications online and first
appeals and also to make online payment of RTI fees. The prescribed fees can be
paid through Internet banking of State Bank of India and its associate banks as
well as by Credit/Debit cards of Visa/Master, through the payment gateway of
SBI linked to this site. This facility is available for all the
Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India.
This system
provides for online reply of RTI applications/ first appeals, though reply
could be sent by regular post also. This system works as RTI MIS also. The
details of RTI applications received through post could also be entered into
this system. The citizens can also check the real time status of their RTI
applications/first appeals filed online.
KSD/Samir/HR (Release
ID :98485) PIB 21.08.2013
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Thursday 22 August 2013
No. 28-8/2011-D
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Mails Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001
Dated 13.08.2013
Sub: Revised Establishment Norms for Operational Activities at
Speed Post Sorting Hubs. Intra-Circle Hubs and Computerized Registration.
Attention is invited to the
Directorate O.M. of even no. dated 17.01.2013 vide which revised norms for
operational activities at Speed Post Sorting Hubs, IC Hubs and CRCs was
2. Reference were received as to whether
the revised norms of sorting circulated vide O.M. referred to above were to be considered as productivity
norms or establishment norms . It is clarified that the establishment norms for
operational activities the than that for “Sorting of Articles” would be the
same as circulated vide Directorate OM
of even no dated 17.01.2013. Establishment norms for “Sorting of Articles” has
been fixed as 0.079 minutes per article i.e 760 articles per hour). However,
time factor for productivity pertaining to sorting of articles would continue
to be o.063per article( i.e 950 articles per hour)
3. This issues with the concurrence of integrated
Finance Wing vide their Diary No. 113/FA/13/CS dated 12.08.2013.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Saturday, August 17, 2013
better late, than
at last department of posts and
ministry of communications admitted that
model (mnop) l1, l2
model (mnop) l1, l2
is a total failure
orders issued to restore the old
name remains (l1, L2) but the scheme stands scraped
the stand taken by the jca (nfpe
& fnpo)
from the very beginning has been
proved right.
it is a victory for our
continuous campaign and struggles including the decision for indefinite strike
which compelled the department to give an assurance that no rms offices will be
nfpe congratulates the entire
postal and rms
employees for this victory.
Now the question
to be answered by the authorities are:
1. Who is responsible for the delay caused to the
public mails due to back-routing for the last two years?
2. Who is responsible for the loss of public
faith and trust in the Postal department due to heavy delay caused due to L1,
L2 in processing and transmission of public mails?
3. Who is responsible for paying an amount of
more than 100 crores to be Mckensey Consultancy for this anti-people,
anti-worker, “Tuglak Model” reforms?
4. Who are those behind this shady deal with
the Mckensy consultancy? Why are they
not taken to task?
M. Krishnan
Thursday, August 15, 2013
आज़ादी की चाह..?
गरीबी, भुखमरी, बेकारी अब आज़ादी को तड़पती हैं.
महगाई और बेरोजगारी सरकारी नीतियों से बढ़ती हैं.!
भ्रस्टाचार,और शोषण से समाज को क्या मिलेगी मुक्ति ..?
अरे कुछ तो सोचो,कुछ तो करो कुछ तो होगी युक्ति...!
कुपोषण,बाल श्रम और किशानो का आत्म घात..!
कुंठित युवा,ज्ञान का पलायन, इनसे,भी दिलाओ निजात....!
सीमओं पर बढ़ता अतिक्रमण,तेल पर हटता नियंत्रण....?
आज़ादी की चाह में ये,घटनाओ को देते हैं आमंत्रण..?
हर क्षेत्र में माफियो की बढ़ती जमात ,बिगड़ते हालात...!
'संतोष" धधकते सवालो से मुक्ति, आज़ादी की सौगात...?
केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों और पेंशनरों के लिए राहत वाली खबर है।
रिटायरमेंट से छह माह पहले सेवानिवृत्ति लाभों से संबंधित तमाम प्रकार के फॉर्म भरने में उन्हें माथापच्ची नहीं करनी होगी और न ही फॉर्म में किसी ऐसी गड़बड़ी की गुंजाइश होगी कि रिटायर के बाद उसकी वजह से दिक्कत का सामना करना पड़े।
केंद्रीय पेंशन एवं पेंशनर्स कल्याण विभाग ने तमाम फॉर्र्मों के सरलीकरण के लिए प्रस्तावित प्रारूप तैयार कर लिया है। साथ ही इस बाबत विभागों और पेंशनरों के संगठनों से भी सुझाव मांगे हैं।
दरअसल, रिटायर होने से पहले केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों को तमाम तरह के फॉर्म भरने पड़ते हैं। फॉर्म भरने की प्रक्रिया काफी जटिल है। रिटायरमेंट के बाद मौत हुई तो पेंशन का भुगतान किसे होगा?
पहले आश्रित की भी मौत हो गई तो उसके बाद पेंशन किसे मिलेगी? आश्रित की उम्र क्या है? ऐसे ही तमाम सवालों के जवाब फॉर्म में दर्ज करने होते हैं।
फॉर्म का प्रारूप जटिल होने के कारण अक्सर उसमें गलतियां हो जाती हैं और रिटायरमेंट के बादर पेंशनर या उसके आश्रित को दिक्कत का सामना करना पड़ता है।
इन्हीं समस्याओं से निपटने के लिए केंद्रीय पेंशन एवं पेंशनर्स कल्याण विभाग ने फॉर्म का आसान प्रारूप तैयार किया है, जो विभाग की वेबसाइट पर भी डाउनलोड कर दिया गया है।
साथ ही संबंधित विभागों और, पेंशनरों और उनके संगठनों से भी सुझाव मांगे गए हैं ताकि प्रस्तावित प्रारूप में संशोधन करते हुए उसे और अधिक सरलीकृत किया जा सके।
सिविल एकाउंट ब्रदरहुड के पूर्व अध्यक्ष हरिशंकर तिवारी का कहना है कि फार्म का सरलीकरण हो जाने से गलती की गुंजाइश कम हो जाएगी।
रिटायरमेंट से छह माह पहले सेवानिवृत्ति लाभों से संबंधित तमाम प्रकार के फॉर्म भरने में उन्हें माथापच्ची नहीं करनी होगी और न ही फॉर्म में किसी ऐसी गड़बड़ी की गुंजाइश होगी कि रिटायर के बाद उसकी वजह से दिक्कत का सामना करना पड़े।
केंद्रीय पेंशन एवं पेंशनर्स कल्याण विभाग ने तमाम फॉर्र्मों के सरलीकरण के लिए प्रस्तावित प्रारूप तैयार कर लिया है। साथ ही इस बाबत विभागों और पेंशनरों के संगठनों से भी सुझाव मांगे हैं।
दरअसल, रिटायर होने से पहले केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों को तमाम तरह के फॉर्म भरने पड़ते हैं। फॉर्म भरने की प्रक्रिया काफी जटिल है। रिटायरमेंट के बाद मौत हुई तो पेंशन का भुगतान किसे होगा?
पहले आश्रित की भी मौत हो गई तो उसके बाद पेंशन किसे मिलेगी? आश्रित की उम्र क्या है? ऐसे ही तमाम सवालों के जवाब फॉर्म में दर्ज करने होते हैं।
फॉर्म का प्रारूप जटिल होने के कारण अक्सर उसमें गलतियां हो जाती हैं और रिटायरमेंट के बादर पेंशनर या उसके आश्रित को दिक्कत का सामना करना पड़ता है।
इन्हीं समस्याओं से निपटने के लिए केंद्रीय पेंशन एवं पेंशनर्स कल्याण विभाग ने फॉर्म का आसान प्रारूप तैयार किया है, जो विभाग की वेबसाइट पर भी डाउनलोड कर दिया गया है।
साथ ही संबंधित विभागों और, पेंशनरों और उनके संगठनों से भी सुझाव मांगे गए हैं ताकि प्रस्तावित प्रारूप में संशोधन करते हुए उसे और अधिक सरलीकृत किया जा सके।
सिविल एकाउंट ब्रदरहुड के पूर्व अध्यक्ष हरिशंकर तिवारी का कहना है कि फार्म का सरलीकरण हो जाने से गलती की गुंजाइश कम हो जाएगी।
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Finance ministry asks India Post to reroute bank proposal.
New Delhi: The expenditure department of the finance ministry has sent back India Post’s draft cabinet note seeking Rs.1,900 crore to set up a commercial bank to another wing of the ministry and asked it to first seek the approval of the expenditure finance committee (EFC). The entity is proposed to be named Post Bank of India.
The postal department is among 26 applicants that sought banking licences from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 1 July, part of the government’s initiative to expand the Rs.77 trillion banking industry and widen access to financial services among the 40% of the population that are yet not included in the system.
“Since the proposal has financial consequences, we have told India Post to first approach the expenditure finance committee with their proposal before going for an inter-ministerial consultation on the matter,” said a finance ministry official who didn’t want to be named.
A second finance ministry official confirmed this. He said the expenditure finance committee was yet to receive the note from the postal department. He said, however, that the committee was likely to clear the proposal once it’s received.
“We cannot pre-empt how much money EFC will approve, however I am sure the proposal makes sense because they have such a vast network which they should utilize. The only thing is they have to develop the standards to meet the RBI guidelines,” he added.
Approval of the expenditure finance committee, headed by the expenditure secretary, is required for proposals involving spending of more than Rs.300 crore and the setting up of new autonomous organizations, regardless of the amount.
The postal department, faced with the dwindling of its main business as more people switch to electronic means of communication and courier companies, wants to leverage its extensive reach across India by entering the banking business. It’s currently involved in the financial industry to the extent that it runs post-office savings schemes, besides collecting deposits for tax-free savings programmes.
In its guidelines for new banking licences announced on 22 February, RBI required applicants to prove their eligibility on several fronts—from promoter holding to past experience to business plans. The minimum capital required by applicants for licences is Rs.500 crore, and foreign shareholding in the new banks is capped at 49% for the first five years.
The new banks have to be set up under a non-operative financial holding company (NOFHC), RBI said. They also have to maintain a minimum capital adequacy ratio—the ratio of capital to risk-weighted assets, a measure of financial strength—of 13% for the first three years. New banks also need to list their shares within three years of starting operations.
The finance ministry has been reluctant to allow India Post to enter the commercial banking business.
In order to apply for a licence, the department of posts will have to create a legal entity to segregate its banking and postal businesses, said a second finance ministry official.
“It will have to be a government-owned company or a bank under a statute since a government department cannot become a bank,” said the official, who didn’t want to be identified.
“Added to that, the postal department has no experience when it comes to giving credit. They have only been taking deposits till now. Sanctioning and disbursing credit needs an entirely different aptitude,” the official said. “We had conveyed our views to EY, when they had approached us on this issue,” he added. EY (formerly Ernst & Young) is consultant to India Post’s bid for a banking licence.
A third finance ministry official said it will be difficult for India Post to get a banking licence from RBI since the guidelines call for a non-operative financial holding company.
Besides that, although India Post boasts of a strong 150,000 branch network, a majority of these may not get converted into bank branches in the event it gets a licence, this official added.
“Expertise in (handling) National Savings Certificates will not be enough for giving credit,” he added, making the point that the department has no specialized experience in the business.
India Post had 154,822 branches across the country as of 31 March, the latest data available, the largest for any postal department in the world, and close to 90% of them—139,086—are in rural India. This is more than four times the number of rural branches run by India’s banks.
RBI has clarified that the conditions it has set are merely the necessary ones and that all applicants meeting them won’t be given a licence. The central bank will screen the applications, refer them to an advisory committee and take a final call on licences based on its recommendations.
If the focus is financial inclusion, the focus should be on looking for solutions rather than raising barriers, said Ashvin Parekh, national leader, global financial services at EY.
“Nobody is saying to convert the existing Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) into a commercial bank. Post Bank of India has to be a subsidiary which needs to be registered as a company and the government equity in this new entity could be diluted,” he said. Through the POSB, India Post collects deposits starting as low as Rs.20 with an annual interest rate of 4%.
Naina Lal Kidwai, country head of HSBC India and president of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry lobby group, said in an interview that though she is opposed to creating any more public sector banks, she supports the idea of the Post Bank of India.
“The postal authority is a very interesting one because of its ability to deliver cash where banks have never been able to reach. To create a post bank, which many countries have done, is quite interesting. So for those exceptions, we could and should look at giving (it a) banking licence,” she added.
However, Kidwai wants the government to reduce its share in the banking system from 70% now to 30-50%, besides which she’d like to see consolidation of the sector.
“We have to fund such banks through taxpayers’ money. These banks can rarely raise money from the capital market. Some of those can actually be merged so that we create fewer banks. So we should see a restructuring of our entire banking sector,” she added.
New Delhi: The expenditure department of the finance ministry has sent back India Post’s draft cabinet note seeking Rs.1,900 crore to set up a commercial bank to another wing of the ministry and asked it to first seek the approval of the expenditure finance committee (EFC). The entity is proposed to be named Post Bank of India.
The postal department is among 26 applicants that sought banking licences from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 1 July, part of the government’s initiative to expand the Rs.77 trillion banking industry and widen access to financial services among the 40% of the population that are yet not included in the system.
“Since the proposal has financial consequences, we have told India Post to first approach the expenditure finance committee with their proposal before going for an inter-ministerial consultation on the matter,” said a finance ministry official who didn’t want to be named.
A second finance ministry official confirmed this. He said the expenditure finance committee was yet to receive the note from the postal department. He said, however, that the committee was likely to clear the proposal once it’s received.
“We cannot pre-empt how much money EFC will approve, however I am sure the proposal makes sense because they have such a vast network which they should utilize. The only thing is they have to develop the standards to meet the RBI guidelines,” he added.
Approval of the expenditure finance committee, headed by the expenditure secretary, is required for proposals involving spending of more than Rs.300 crore and the setting up of new autonomous organizations, regardless of the amount.
The postal department, faced with the dwindling of its main business as more people switch to electronic means of communication and courier companies, wants to leverage its extensive reach across India by entering the banking business. It’s currently involved in the financial industry to the extent that it runs post-office savings schemes, besides collecting deposits for tax-free savings programmes.
In its guidelines for new banking licences announced on 22 February, RBI required applicants to prove their eligibility on several fronts—from promoter holding to past experience to business plans. The minimum capital required by applicants for licences is Rs.500 crore, and foreign shareholding in the new banks is capped at 49% for the first five years.
The new banks have to be set up under a non-operative financial holding company (NOFHC), RBI said. They also have to maintain a minimum capital adequacy ratio—the ratio of capital to risk-weighted assets, a measure of financial strength—of 13% for the first three years. New banks also need to list their shares within three years of starting operations.
The finance ministry has been reluctant to allow India Post to enter the commercial banking business.
In order to apply for a licence, the department of posts will have to create a legal entity to segregate its banking and postal businesses, said a second finance ministry official.
“It will have to be a government-owned company or a bank under a statute since a government department cannot become a bank,” said the official, who didn’t want to be identified.
“Added to that, the postal department has no experience when it comes to giving credit. They have only been taking deposits till now. Sanctioning and disbursing credit needs an entirely different aptitude,” the official said. “We had conveyed our views to EY, when they had approached us on this issue,” he added. EY (formerly Ernst & Young) is consultant to India Post’s bid for a banking licence.
A third finance ministry official said it will be difficult for India Post to get a banking licence from RBI since the guidelines call for a non-operative financial holding company.
Besides that, although India Post boasts of a strong 150,000 branch network, a majority of these may not get converted into bank branches in the event it gets a licence, this official added.
“Expertise in (handling) National Savings Certificates will not be enough for giving credit,” he added, making the point that the department has no specialized experience in the business.
India Post had 154,822 branches across the country as of 31 March, the latest data available, the largest for any postal department in the world, and close to 90% of them—139,086—are in rural India. This is more than four times the number of rural branches run by India’s banks.
RBI has clarified that the conditions it has set are merely the necessary ones and that all applicants meeting them won’t be given a licence. The central bank will screen the applications, refer them to an advisory committee and take a final call on licences based on its recommendations.
If the focus is financial inclusion, the focus should be on looking for solutions rather than raising barriers, said Ashvin Parekh, national leader, global financial services at EY.
“Nobody is saying to convert the existing Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) into a commercial bank. Post Bank of India has to be a subsidiary which needs to be registered as a company and the government equity in this new entity could be diluted,” he said. Through the POSB, India Post collects deposits starting as low as Rs.20 with an annual interest rate of 4%.
Naina Lal Kidwai, country head of HSBC India and president of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry lobby group, said in an interview that though she is opposed to creating any more public sector banks, she supports the idea of the Post Bank of India.
“The postal authority is a very interesting one because of its ability to deliver cash where banks have never been able to reach. To create a post bank, which many countries have done, is quite interesting. So for those exceptions, we could and should look at giving (it a) banking licence,” she added.
However, Kidwai wants the government to reduce its share in the banking system from 70% now to 30-50%, besides which she’d like to see consolidation of the sector.
“We have to fund such banks through taxpayers’ money. These banks can rarely raise money from the capital market. Some of those can actually be merged so that we create fewer banks. So we should see a restructuring of our entire banking sector,” she added.
Simplification of Procedure for Payment of Family Pension
Wednesday 14 August 2013
Monday, August 12, 2013
Central Government Employees are eagerly waiting for
increase in the age of superannuation from 60 to 62 years. Media News
says that there is likelihood of an announcement by the Prime Minister
of India during his speech to the Nation on the eve of Independence Day
i.e. on 15 August 2013.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Secretary, Department of Posts
held discussion with Secretary Generals of NFPE and FNPO and all the General Secretaries
of affiliated Unions/Associations on 02.08.2013 at Dak Bhawan, New Delhi. GDS
Bonus case was discussed in detail. Secretary, Department of Posts, informed
that Postal Board has again sent the file for approval of the Finance Ministry
after replying all the queries raised by Finance Ministry. On behalf of AIPEU,
GDS (NFPE) Com. P. Pandurangarao, General Secretary attended the meeting.
Minutes of the meeting will be published later.
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General Friday, August 9, 2013
Saturday 10 August 2013
FOR DETAILS)DETAILS) http://www.indiapost.gov.in/DOP/Pdf/Circulars/21_1_2013-PEII12july2013.PDF
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Thursday, August 08, 2013
Employees’ Pension Scheme : Pension to Retired Employees Covered Under PF Scheme
As you are aware, Central
Government is going ahead with their agenda on pension privatization. The
controversial PFRDA Bill (Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority
Bill) is listed as an agenda item for the current Parliament session. The bill
may be taken up for discussion in Parliament on any day. Confederation of
Central Government Employees & Workers has opposed the Contributory Pension
Scheme and also the PFRDA Bill from the very beginning.
We have conducted so many
agitational programmes including strike. The left parties in the parliament
have also strongly opposed the Bill. Inspite of the opposition from employees
(both Central Government and State Government Employees & Teachers) and
also from left political parties, the Central Government is not ready to
withdraw the contributory Pension scheme or to scrap the PFRDA Bill.
The National Secretariat of the
Confederation has viewed the move of the Government with grave concern and
decided to call upon the entirety of the Central Government Employees &
Workers to organize mass protest demonstration in front of all offices throughout
the country after walking out from
offices for two hours, on the day when the bill is taken up for discussion
in Parliament or on the next day if information is received late.
All India office bearers, State
level COCs and other COCs are requested to make the two hours walk out
programme a grand success.
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
GoM on Workers' Demands
Government has set up a Group of four Ministers led by Shri A.K. Antony to discuss the workers' demands with the United front of trade unions.
Two meetings of the Group of Ministers (GoM) were held on 18.02.2013 and 22.05.2013 in which the ten point Charter of
Demand of the trade unions were discussed. The discussions remained
inconclusive and it was decided that the issues/demands will be
considered by the Group of Ministers themselves before further
discussions with the Central Trade Unions representatives. As such, no
final recommendation has been given by the GoM.
information was given by Minister of State for Labour & Employment
Shri Kodikunnil Suresh in the Lok Sabha today in reply to a written
Soon, post offices to be like banks
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The HinduThe Anna Road head post office is one of four in the city that have been selected for the project — File Phot
Under new project, select head post offices will have ATMs, offer internet and mobile banking
Postal customers may soon be able to access their savings bank account in any post office in the city.
The department of posts is putting in place core banking solutions (CBS)
at four of its head post offices in Chennai, and the process is
expected to be completed by September. This means these post offices
will become like banks and offer a range of services.
The head post offices on Anna Road and in T. Nagar, Mylapore and
Tambaram will soon be networked via CBS, which is one of the postal
department’s flagship projects.'
At present, customers who have postal savings accounts have to go to the
post office where their account is, to carry out any transaction. They
also have to wait in long queues to withdraw cash or to get their
monthly pensions.
But once CBS is implemented, customers can go to any post office covered
under the system and carry out transactions. The project also envisages
installing ATMs at these four post offices by October, so that their
2.5 lakh account-holders will be able to access their accounts at the
swipe of a card.Customers who have invested in savings
certificates too, can encash them using CBS.
Officials of the postal department said they had tied up with Infosys to
eventually implement CBS in 110 post offices across the city and its
suburbs. Currently, software testing for the project is in progress.
Welcoming the move, 70-year-old D. Sriraman, a resident of Villivakkam,
said this would benefit several people who now spend at least half an
hour just to withdraw cash.
The CBS project will be rolled out in all post offices over the next two
years in a phased manner. Services offered will include internet
banking, mobile banking and mobile transfer of money. The department
also is mulling over a proposal to integrate other postal services with
Postmaster general, Chennai city region, Mervin Alexander said there are
nearly 3.3 crore savings account-holders in the region. All postal
employees are now being given extensive training in CBS, he added.
Keywords: post offices, savings bank accounts at post offices
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